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The Institute's first director was [[Francis Carter Wood]].<ref>[http://library.cpmc.columbia.edu/hsl/arch/psdbrecord.cfm?RecordNum=3521]</ref>
The Institute's first director was [[Francis Carter Wood]].<ref>[http://library.cpmc.columbia.edu/hsl/arch/psdbrecord.cfm?RecordNum=3521]</ref>
Today, Columbia's cancer research is carried out at the [[Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center]], which makes a passing reference to the Crocker Institute on its website.
== References ==
== References ==

Revision as of 09:20, 21 February 2008

The Crocker Institute of Cancer Research was established at Columbia in 1912 with a 1 million dollar gift from the estate of wealthy Californian George Crocker, who had died of cancer in December of 1909. The gift was made in the form of property, 1 East 64th Street, which was subsequently tied up in litigation brought by Crocker's step-children who alleged that they'd been defrauded of their interest in the property by Crocker.[1][2][3]

Crocker's gift stipulated that funds be used only for research, and that none of it be be used to erect a building. As a result the Institute originally took up residence in Schermerhorn Hall with the Zoology Department. By December 1913 the Institute had its own space in the $40,000 3 story Crocker Research Laboratory on the empty parcel on the northeast corner of 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.

The Institute's first director was Francis Carter Wood.[4]

Today, Columbia's cancer research is carried out at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, which makes a passing reference to the Crocker Institute on its website.
