<calendar> name=Calendar view=threemonths </calendar>
Today, Next 7 days, This month, Next 3 months, This year
List of calendars
- Residence hall lounges
- John Jay menu
- Dining events
- Academic calendar
- University events
- CC events
- SEAS events
- GS events
- CUArts
- Student Affairs events
- CCE events
- Room selection calendar
Add your own event
1. Locate the specific day of your event. For example, the day might be "Calendar 2007 3 2" or "Calendar 2007 3 22".
2. Click the "edit" tab.
3. Insert your event along the lines of this template:
* '''4pm-4:30pm''' Event title @ Event location : Brief event description and other notes.
4. Click "Save page". You event will appear something like this:
Events to be included in the calendar
If you don't know how to work with the calendar, just add your event below and we'll add it to the appropriate day: