Columbia University Swing Dancing Club
Columbia University Swing Dancing Club, better known as CU Swing, is offers weekly, 1 hour swing dancing classes in the Lerner Party Space taught by professional swing instructors. It also coordinates club members for on- and off-campus swing events.
The class is offered at two levels: beginner and intermediate. Advanced level is not being offered at this time. Anyone is free to show up for any class, but beginner is tailored towards students who have no prior swing experience. Generally speaking, the Intermediate level requires knowledge of the eight-count step.
Guy:Girl ratio
Most of the classes tend to have a slight excess of girls, with a guy girl ratio of about 4:5. To deal with this, partners are rotated, so that everyone has a chance to practice. In addition, some girls will spend the class learning to dance as "leads".
Club dues
As of Spring 2013, semesterly dues were $30 for undergraduates and $40 for graduates.