CCSC Elections Board
The Columbia College Student Council Elections Board is the branch of CCSC established to conduct and publicize all CCSC elections and is funded by the CCSC. The Elections Board was created in May, 2005 by the CCSC, replacing the CCSC Committee on Elections, Nominations and Appointments (CENA).
The CCSC Elections Board consists of five Columbia College students appointed by the CCSC, who do not serve on the CCSC and do not intend to run in a CCSC election during their one-year term. The CCSC appoint one selected member to serve as the Elections Board Chair. Appointments for the incoming Elections Board are made after CCSC Spring Elections.
CCSC has no jurisdiction over the CCSC Elections Board. However, any member of the Columbia College student body may appeal an EB decision to the CCSC. An appeal of an EB decision will be handled by the CCSC Judicial Committee, who will decide to either uphold or overturn the EB decision.