Columbia College Student Council
The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) organizes events and promotes issues that are important to Columbia College students. The CCSC meets on Sundays at 8pm in the Satow Room on the 5th floor of Lerner Hall. All meetings are open to the public unless otherwise noted.
The CCSC elections of 2007 were recently held, and Michelle Diamond won.
You can email CCSC at They had a phone number at one point (1-CCSC, which is 1-2272), but it doesn't seem like this number works anymore.
Executive board
- Seth Flaxman, Student Body President
- Izumi Devalier, Vice President for Policy
- Sarah Hwang, Vice President for Funding
- Ana Ortiz, Vice President for Campus Life
- Andrew Russeth, Vice President for Communications
University Senators
- Marcus Johnson, Senator
- David Ali, Senator
- Tiffany Davis, Senator
Representatives at Large
- Alidad Damooei, Academic Affairs Representative
- Michael Accordino, Student Services Representative
- Brian Leung, Student Services Representative
- Allan Lau, Pre-professions, Scholars, and Fellowship Representative
Class Councils
Any student group that includes Columbia College students, and also some groups involved in College Days, can apply for CCSC co-sponsorship of their event. Email the VP for Funding Sarah Hwang at at least two weeks before planned event. You'll need to complete an application.