John Jay 6 T-shirts
In November 2007, John Jay 6 residents made floor T-shirts with "I TAKE THE ELEVATOR" screen-printed on the front.
Origin of Motto
As the new freshmen residents quickly found out, the elevators in John Jay are tortuously slow. As a result, members from the higher floors (about 9 and up) were vocal in opining that lower-floor residents (5-8) did not deserve to utilize them, apparently under the belief that usage from those floors was the sole source of the massive delays.
Exasperation with the constant tongue-lashing provided an easy topic for the John Jay 6 floor t-shirt logos. "I TAKE THE ELEVATOR" was universally favored or more generic designs.
The front has I TAKE THE ELEVATOR, and the back "JOHN JAY" arching over a large, sanserif "6." The t-shirts were sports grey and were made with Customink.