Barnard jokes
Barnard Jokes are an institution at Columbia. It's just part of Columbia life.
Common venues
Bwog comments and other online fora
The high degree of anonymity on Bwog and other online discussion fora, such as Bored@Butler, contribute to a high frequency of Barnard jokes. The same individuals who contribute such jokes online would likely not risk offending Barnard students in person (especially if such Barnard students are highly attractive).
Repeated attempts to add a "Barnard jokes" section to wikipedia's Columbia article have been thwarted by a--curiously--few number of overzealous administrators
Humorless attempts to explain away the joking
Some people who can't deal with Barnard jokes resort to structuralist justifications as to why the phenomenon takes place and is so widespread. Some of these include the notions that:
- Jokes are also kept alive by freshmen who feel the need to revel in feelings of superiority over someone. They usually just need to get over themselves.
- Barnard women are actually considered prettier than Columbia women, and that many of the jokes such as those mentioned above are perpetuated by freshmen who want to feel included, and Columbia girls who resent Columbia men's preference for Barnard women.