List of acronyms for prefrosh
If there's one thing Columbia has a lot of, it's bureaucracy. It also has lots of acronyms. There are enough acronyms at Columbia to make you dizzy. This is a primer.
- ABC - Activities Board of Columbia
- BC - Barnard College (not Boston College)
- CC - Contemporary Civilization or Columbia College (not Community College)
- CCE - Center for Career Education
- CCSC - Columbia College Student Council
- CLS - Columbia Law School
- CPS - Counseling and Psychological Services
- CUIT - Columbia University Information Technology (formerly AcIS (Academic Information Services) and AIS Administrative Information Services)
- CULPA - Columbia Underground Listing of Professor Ability
- ESC - Engineering Student Council (Not the 'Escape' button on your keyboard)
- FYSAAC - First Year-Sophomore Academic Advising Center
- GS - School of General Studies
- IRC - Intercultural Resource Center
- JSAC - Junior-Senior Advising Center
- OMA - Office of Multicultural Affairs
- SGA - Student Government Association (Barnard Student Council)
- SGB - Student Governing Board
- SDA - Student Developement and Activities
- SEAS - School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- SSOL - Student Services Online
- URH - Undergraduate Residential Housing