Koronet Pizza

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Koronets is the legendary local Pizza parlor, offering oversized "JUMBO" slices for $2.75. One slice is more than enough for a meal. Throw in a can of soda and for $3.85 you're hunger shall be sated, and your thirst quenched.

The pizza has an unoffensive, even tasteless tomato sauce, crispy-on-the-outside-chewy-on-the-inside crust, and is very deliciously greasy. "I once ordered a pizza to take away. By the time I got back to my dorm, the grease had rendered the brown bag totally useless. The pizza almost melted its way out onto the floor."

Koronets is open from 10 AM to 3 AM daily, making it the perfect antidote to a beer-filled stomach. The cheese is particularly effective at absorbing alcohol.


<googlemap lat="40.80443" lon="-73.966216" type="map" zoom="16" width="500" height="300" controls="small"> 40.80443, -73.966216, Koronet Pizza </googlemap>

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