Quarto is the literary journal of Columbia's Writing Division, featuring short stories, poetry, prose, and non-fiction. The editorial board is comprised of students from all four undergraduate colleges.
Quarto has featured such notable literary icons as J. D. Salinger, Wole Soyinka, and William Carlos Williams, among others. The magazine publishes annually and also hosts a number of events.
Founded in 1948, Quarto originally served as a literary publication for the School of General Studies. Quarto was then expanded in 1998 to include all four undergraduate schools, then moved to the Undergraduate Writing Program in 2007. Since 2007, the undergraduate creative writing department has housed Quarto with a student-run staff selected annually from an application process.
After the 2012-2013 staff left Quarto to form 4x4, poetry professor Dorothea Lasky was appointed faculty advisor of the new Quarto staff for the 2013-2014 school year to publish the 65th annual volume of Quarto. Following 2014, the publication will return to its usual method of holding applications for staff every school year.
In the fall of 2013, the Creative Writing dept. took control of the magazine back from undergrads as they thought it had become too independent. The staff and editors then founded another magazine called 4x4. [1].