River Hall

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Built 1906
(Converted 1970)
Renovated 2001
Population 129
University Residence Halls
548 West 113th Street600 West 113th StreetBroadwayCarlton ArmsCarmanEast Campus47 ClaremontFurnaldHarmonyHartleyHoganJohn JayMcBainRiverRugglesSchapiroWallachWattWienWoodbridge

River is a residence hall that houses seniors and juniors with a lottery number better than 1000. It was completely gutted and renovated during the 2000-2001 school year.[1] River is located on 114th St close to Riverside Drive. It is obviously named after the Hudson River. In fact, it used to be called "Hudson Hall".

Residents are traditionally known as "River Rats".

The building was designed by Schwartz and Gross and completed in 1906.



  • 30 big singles
  • 97 small singles
  • 1 1st floor walk-through double


  • Big singles, usually around 120 square feet
  • Juniors have the solitude of a single while walking distance from friends in Ruggles
  • High bathroom/person ratio
  • Feeling of living in a suite for those who missed out on EC/Hogan/Ruggles
  • Recently renovated basement lounge


  • Uphill and long walk to campus, and even then, you're on the extreme southwestern part of it. Also, going to campus sucks during the winter, especially when there is snow on the ground.
  • Mice
  • Roaches
  • Isolated from Columbia community
  • Relatively poor sound insulation
  • Can be anti-social. Little interaction.
  • Views more obstructed/non-existent than you'd think.
  • Bed bugs
  • Poor temperature regulation
  • Insufficient laundry equipment (4 washers and 4 dryers when all are operational)


Floor plans


  1. Jump up Renovated River Draws Mixed Reactions, Columbia Spectator, 11 September 2001.


<googlemap lat="40.807228" lon="-73.966323" type="map" zoom="16" width="500" height="300" controls="small"> 40.807228, -73.966323, River residence hall </googlemap>

Building address

628 W. 114th St.
New York, NY 10025

External links