Columbia Engineering Young Alumni
Columbia Engineering Young Alumni or CEYA (pronounced "see-ya") is the alumni group that provides programming and support for young alumni of SEAS, which are defined as alumni who have graduated within the last ten years. CEYA is relatively young, having been founded in 2007. The group does its own programming, as well as some programming with its obvious counterpart, the Columbia College Young Alumni.
The CEYA board consists of three parts: the executive board, the general board, and the advisory board. The total size of the board may not exceed forty members. Board members are appointed by vote of the current board to fill vacancies.
2019-2020 Executive Board
- Co-President: Jocelyn Bohn '15CC
- Co-President: Brian Chung '16CC
- Co-SVP Finance: Adam Kuerbitz '12CC
- Co-SVP Finance: Julian Richardson '14CC
- SVP Alumni Engagement: Maddy (Madeleine) Matthews '17CC
- VP Alumni Engagement: Maria Sun '18CC
- SVP Outreach and Recruitment: Aram Balian '16CC
- VP Outreach and Recruitment: Alexander Birkel '18CC
- Co-VP Professional Development: Pranav Balan '19CC
- Co-VP Professional Development: Zachary Kent '17CC
- President Emeritus: Alex Rosen '11CC
2013-2014 Executive Board
- President: Whitney Green '10SEAS, '13TC
- Vice President: Jessica Aspis '08SEAS, '13BUS
- Social Chair: Elizabeth Kierstead '11SEAS
- Outreach Chairs: Huei Ong '09CC, '09SEAS; Tiffany Mills '04BC, '04, '07SEAS
- Career Development Chair: Reid Ellison '08SEAS
- Engineering Fund Chair: Tamsin Davies '07, '13SEAS