Financial statements
Amazingly for such a disorganized bureaucracy, Columbia manages to keep a decent set of financial statements. Both brief and extensive descriptions of the university's cash flows are available for those with enough accounting skills to decode them.
A summary for the year ended June 30, 2006 states:
- Revenues $2,709,865,000
- Government grants and contracts 24%
- Tuition and fees 19%
- Other educational and research activities 15%
- Medical faculty practice plans 15%
- Private gifts, grants, and contracts 12%
- Investment income and gains utilized 11%
- Other 4%
- Expenses $2,540,033,000
- Instruction, research, and educational administration 59%
- Medical faculty practice plans 15%
- Institutional support 6%
- Operation and maintenance of plant 5%
- Depreciation 5%
- Other 3%
- Auxiliary enterprises 3%
- Library 2%
- Interest 2%