GSSC elections, 2007
The General Studies Student Council elections of 2007 took place online from April 12 to April 13, 2007.
- March 19, 12pm - Candidate Submission Period Opens
- March 20, 6pm - Candidate Information Session, GS Lounge
- March 22, 12pm - Candidate Information Session, GS Lounge
- March 23, 12pm - Candidate Submission Forms Due, Period Closes
- March 26 - Campaigning Starts
- April 10 - Official Elections Debates (7:30, 5th Floor Lerner, Satow Room)
- April 11 - Campaigning Ends
- April 12 through April 13 - Online elections
Declaration forms
Declaration forms were emailed to all students in the School of General Studies on March 19. The email listed as a contact should students have any questions.
Positions for election
The following listings are from official GSSC literature.
- Student Body President: The President is responsible for facilitating the work of other members to build a strong and unified GS community, and representing the GS student body in official capacity.
- Vice President of Policy: VP Policy is responsible for the setting of the GSSC's policy goals and their implementation, and maintaining contact with student groups and organizations.
- Vice President of Student Life: VP Student Life chairs and oversees the Student Life committee in order to help facilitate councilmember programming.
- Vice President of Finance: VP Finance administers and regulates the budget of the GSSC, oversees allocations, and initiates Fundraising goals and programming.
- Vice President of Communications: VP Communications facilitates the GSSC's contact with the community and the Columbia administration, as well manages internal council communications.
- University Senator: The University Senator represents the School of General Studies within the University Senate, which is the main policy making body for the entire University. This is a 2-Year Position.
- Social Chair: The Social Chair is responsible for six events throughout the academic year, in order to provide opportunities for GS students to get to know each other and be enriched by their community.
- Academic Affairs and Committee on Instruction Representative: The AACOI is responsible for providing opportunities to GS students to inform themselves about academic issues, and sits on the GS Committee on Instruction. The COI is a committee of faculty, students and administration that sets academic policy for GS.
- Alumni & Career Education Representative: The A&CCE Representative works with the CCE to proliferate career opportunities for GS students, and runs events that focus on post-graduation life.
- Student Services Representative: The Student Services Representative monitors student's concerns regarding basic University services, and acts on their behalf to improve these services and their delivery.
- Senior Class President: The Senior Class President is responsible for representing the senior class, developing a class community and coordinating events for seniors with the Dean of Students Office and the Office of Alumni Affairs.
- Junior Class President: The Junior Class President is responsible for representing the junior class, and enriching its social life at Columbia.
- Sophomore Class President: The Sophomore Class President is responsible for representing the sophomore class, and enriching its social life at Columbia.
- Class Vice President: The four Class Vice Presidents assist a Class Presidents with is or her responsibilities. The Class Vice Presidents vote only in absence of their respective class president, and only the 3 standing classes will be electing their Vice-President.
- Parent's Liaison: The Parent's Liaison represents GS parents and seeks to answer their needs to the GSSC and to the Columbia administration as a whole. The Parents Liaison works to improve Columbia's services to our parent community.
- Student Workers Representative: The Student Workers Representative serves to enhance the social-life of working students, and to address issues of concern to the working student population.
- International Students Representative: The International Students Representative serves to enhance the social-life of international students, and to address issues of concern to the international student population.
- Delegates at Large: be assigned to and be members of either the Policy, Student Life, Finance, or Communications committees, where they will fulfill all special assignments as delegated by the GSSC. Four such positions exist. Delegates at Large are non-voting members.
Candidates and Parties
Candidate and party information will be made available on or around March 26, the first official day of campaigning.