This page explains a few of the techniques and formatting commands you can use to edit pages. It is still a work in progress. If you want to figure out how to do something in particular that's not listed here, one good strategy is to view the editing window of pages that contain the formatting you want to emulate. You can also often find examples on other wikis.
[hide]The Basics
What you type | What it looks like | Description |
I want to be '''bold''' |
I want to be bold | Bold text |
Have you read ''Stand, Columbia'', yet? |
Have you read Stand, Columbia, yet? | Italic text |
it turned out all of the dead hoboes were in [[John Jay Hall]] of the biggest hobo [[Murders|killings]] in John Jay history |
it turned out all of the dead hoboes were in John Jay Hall of the biggest hobo killings in John Jay history |
Internal link, create a link to another article on WikiCU. If you want the link text to be something other than the article title, add a pipe '|' followed by the desired link text, as in the second example |
Reading through the reviews on [ culpa]... |
Reading through the reviews on culpa... | External link, link to a page outside wikicu. Constructed by putting the link URL followed by the text of the link |
Advanced formatting
What you type | What it looks like | Description |
<blockquote>Quote text. -Author</blockquote> |
Quick 'n easy way of including quotes |
{{quotation |1=Quote text. |2=Author. }} |
Fancy way of including quotes |
<pre>Code to display.</pre> |
Code to display. |
Used for displaying the actual code without wikicu interpreting it. For example, on a Help page to show users what code has what effects. |
Sample map code:
<googlemap lat="40.806068" lon="-73.964987" type="map" zoom="16" width="500" height="300" controls="small"> 40.806068, -73.964987, Broadway residence hall </googlemap>
The easiest way to edit a map is to insert the above sample code, then click "make a map" immediately above the text editing box. This will allow you to insert place markers.
Let's keep small maps (one or two buildings) to a width of 500 and a height of 300.
Footnotes are used to cite sources of information in an article. The footnote will appear as a superscripted number next within the text that links to a note at the bottom of the article.
To cite text:
- Add <ref> tags after information taken from a source, for example
The team scored only 4 points that day.<ref>"Basketball Team Suffers Anticipated Loss", Columbia Spectator, 2/5/07</ref>
- At the bottom of the wikicu article, add the following text to generate the list of references:
== References == <references />
Citing a source multiple times
To add a citation for one source multiple times in the article, similar steps are taken to those above, except a name is added to the <ref> tag:
- The first time the reference is included, include the reference information in full (note the name attribute in the <ref> tag:
The team scored only 4 points that day.<ref name="badloss">"Basketball Team Suffers Anticipated Loss", Columbia Spectator, 2/5/07</ref>
- Any time the source is used after that, just add a single closed <ref /> tag:
The team captain could be seen openly weeping at the defeat.<ref name="badloss" />
Redirects are used to automatically move the user from one page to another. For example, if a user types SEAS, they are first taken to the SEAS article, which instantly redirects them to the article on Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. This allows users to easily find articles without always typing the exact title of the article.
#REDIRECT [[Internal link]]