List of books about Columbia
This page is a list of books about Columbia.
- "Nicholas Miraculous: The Amazing Career of the Redoubtable Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler" by Michael Rosenthal (2006) CLIO
- "Eisenhower at Columbia", by Travis Jacobs (2001) CLIO Google eBook (limited preview) Barnes and Noble
- "Memoirs of Frederick A. P. Barnard, by John Fulton (1896) Google eBook
- "Seth Low: The Reformer in an Urban and Industrial Age", by Gerald Kurland (1971)
- King's College Alumni by Leonard Felix Fuld (originally published in Columbia University Quarterly from September 1907-September 1911)
- "Johnny One-Eye: A Tale of the American Revolution," by Jerome Charyn (2008) Amazon
- "Moon Palace", by Paul Auster (1989) CLIO
- "Morningside Heights," by Cheryl Mendelson (2005) Amazon
- "Vanity of Duluoz," by Jack Kerouac (1968) Amazon
- "The Caine Mutiny," by Herman Wouk (1951) [1]
- A Bachelor of Arts, by John Erskine
- "An Official Guide to Columbia University" (1912) ed. Brander Matthews Google eBook CLIO
- "A Guide to Columbia University: With Some Account of Its History and Traditions" ed. John William Robson (1937) CLIO
- "Columbia University, College Prowler Off The Record" (2005) Google eBook
- "A Lever Long Enough: A History of Columbia's School of Engineering and Applied Science Since 1864" by Robert A. McCaughey (2014)
- "Columbia University and Morningside Heights" (Postcard History Series) by Michael V. Susi Google eBook (limited preview)
- "Living Legacies at Columbia" ed. Wm. Theodore de Bary (2006) CLIO
- "Stand, Columbia: A History of Columbia University in the City of New York, 1754-2004" by Robert A. McCaughey (2003) CLIO
- "My Columbia: Reminiscences of University Life" ed. Ashbel Green (2004) CLIO Google eBook
- "From King's College to Columbia, 1746-1800" by David C. Humphrey (1976) CLIO Google eBook (limited preview)
- "Columbia Remembered" ed. Wesley First (1967) CLIO
- "The Bicentennial History of Columbia University," Dwight C. Miner, ed., 15 vols. (1954-1957)
- "A History of Columbia College on Morningside," (1954), with chapters by Irwin Edman, Lionel Trilling, Justus Buchler, Charles W. Everett, Fon W. Boardman, Jr., Jack N. Arbolino, and Gene R. Hawes
- "A History of Barnard College," Marian Churchill White (1954)
- "A History of the School of Engineering," James Kip Finch (1954)
- "A History of Adult Education at Columbia University; University Extension and the School of General Studies," John Angus Burrell (1954)
- "A History of the Graduate School of Journalism," Richard Terrill Baker (1954)
- "A History of the Graduate School of Business," T. W. Van Metre (1954)
- "A History of Teachers College," Lawrence A. Cremin, David A. Shannon, and Mary Evelyn Townsend (1954)
- "A History of the School of Architecture," Theodor Karl Rohdenburg (1954)
- "A History of the School of Library Service," Ray Trautman (1954)
- "A History of the School of International Affairs and Association Area Institutes," L. Gray Cowan (1954)
- "A History of the School of Law," Foundation for Research in Legal History/Julius Goebel, Jr. (1955)
- "A History of the New York School of Social Work," Elizabeth G. Meier (1954)
- "A History of the College of Pharmacy," C. W. Ballard (1954)
- "A History of the Faculty of Philosophy" (1957)
- "A History of the Faculty of Political Science," R. Gordon Hoxie (1955)
- "Columbia: Colossus on the Hudson", by Horace Coon (1947) CLIO
- "Columbia: An American University in Peace and War by Fon W. Boardman, Jr. (1944) [2]
- "King's College and the Early Days of Columbia College, A Paper Read at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the New York State Historical Association" by John B. Pine (1917) [3] [4]
- "Columbia" by Frederick Paul Keppel (1914) CLIO Google eBook (full book)
- "A History of Columbia University, 1754-1904" by Brander Matthews (1904) CLIO Google eBook (full book) Google eBook (Another Version- full book)
- "Columbiana: A Bibliography of Manuscripts, Pamphlets and Books Relating to the History of King's College Columbia College Columbia University" prepared by Charles Alexander Nelson (1904) Google eBook (Google Books Version)
- "Universities and Their Sons: History, Influence and Characteristics of American Universities" (See section on Columbia by J. H. Van Amringe) Vol. I (1898) Google eBook, Vol. I (1898), Vol. II (1899), Vol. III (1899), Vol. IV (1900), Vol. V (1900),
- "Columbia College in the City of New York: Historical Sketch & Present Condition" (1893) Google eBook (full book)
- "Views of Columbia College" (1886) (photos of Midtown campus)
- "The Undergraduate Record Columbia College A Book of Statistical Information compiled by William S. Sloan" (1881) Google eBook
- "An Historical Sketch of Columbia College in the City of New York 1754-1876" edited by John Howard Van Amringe (1876) Google Books (full book)
- "An Historical Sketch of Columbia College in the City of New York by Nathaniel Fish Moore (1846) Google Books - full book
Founding Documents and University Statutes
- "The Original Charter of Columbia College in the City of New York, October 31st, 1754; with the Acts of Legislature amending the same, or relating to the College" (1836) Google eBook
- "The Original Charter of Columbia College in the City of New York, October 31st, 1754; with the Acts of Legislature amending the same, or relating to the College" (1854) Google eBook
- "Charters Acts and Official Documents Together with the Lease and Re-Lease by Trinity Church of a Portion of the King's Farm" compiled by John B. Pine (1895) Google eBook
- "Charters and Statutes with Amendments to April 3, 1916" (1916) Google eBook
- "Charters Acts of the Legislature Official Documents and Records" compiled by John B. Pine (1920) Google eBook
- The University Statutes
- "Morningside Heights" by Andrew S. Dolkart (2001) CLIO Google eBook (limited preview)
- "Mastering McKim's Plan: Columbia's First Century on Morningside Heights" by Barry Bergdoll (1998) CLIO
- AIA Guide to New York City - These often feature a number of buildings on or around Columbia's campus.
- Hindsight to Foresight: From the Founding to the Future of Five Ivy League Campuses by Robert Spencer Barnett - 2012 ebook published by the Society for Campus and University Planning with a wealth of information on Columbia and other Ivy League architecture
1968 Protests
- " Up Against the Ivy Wall: A History of the Columbia Crisis" by Jerry L. Avorn (1968) CLIO
- "Crisis at Columbia", the Cox Commission Report on the 1968 protests (1968) CLIO
- "Six Weeks that Shook Morningside" Columbia College Today, Spring 1968 PDF
- "The Battle For Morningside Heights" by Roger Kahn (1970) CLIO
- "The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary", by James S. Kunen (1970) CLIO
- "Confrontation on campus;: The Columbia pattern for the new protest" by Joanne Grant (1969) Amazon
Columbia University Press
- "Columbia University Press 1893-1983", by Henry H. Wiggins (1983) Google eBook (limited preview)
Social History
- "Changing the Subject: How the Women of Columbia Shaped the Way We Think About Sex and Politics", by Rosalind Rosenberg (2004) CLIO Google eBook (limited preview
School of Journalism
- "Pulitzer's School: Columbia University's School of Journalism, 1903-2003" by James R. Boylan (2003) CLIO Google eBook
- "A History of Barnard College" (published in honor of Barnard's 75th Anniversary) (1964)
- "A History of Barnard College," Marian Churchill White (1954)
- "Barnard Beginnings," Annie Nathan Meyer (1935] [5]
- "Barnard College 1889-1914," Nicholas Murray Butler (speech) (1914) Google eBook
- "Changing the Subject: How the Women of Columbia Shaped the Way We Think About Sex and Politics", by Rosalind Rosenberg (2004) CLIO Google eBook (limited preview
Core Curriculum
- "Great Books" by David Denby (1997) CLIO
- "An Oasis of Order: The Core Curriculum at Columbia College", by Timothy Cross (1995) [6]
- "The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and his struggle to save New York" by Vincent Cannato (2001) (chapter 7 on the 1968 protests) CLIO Google eBook (limited preview)
- "Ivy Briefs: True Tales of a Neurotic Law Student" by Martha Kimes Amazon
- The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton. (He talks about his life as an undergraduate here.)
- The Varsity Show: A Celebration (2004) - volume about the Varsity Show published in conjunction with Columbia 250.
Documentaries (video)
- "Columbia University: A Celebration" by Ric Burns (2003)