Plimpton Hall
Plimpton Residence Hall | |
![]() | |
Address | 1235 Amsterdam Avenue |
Population | 280 |
Barnard Residential Life and Housing | |
110 • 121 • 600 • 616 • 620 • Brooks • Cathedral Gardens • Elliott • Hewitt • Plimpton • Reid • Sulzberger Tower |
Plimpton Hall (also known as Big Plimpin', Plimp Daddy, or Plimp My Ride) is a Barnard residence hall on the corner of 121st Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Right before the fall of 2012, unfortunate Plimpton residents were notified that their singles would in fact be doubles, so find a roommate. This was part of the Barnard Housing Crisis.
Notable residents
- Aravind Adiga, Booker Prize-winning novelist
Plimpton has 15 residential floors, each with 4 suites. Rooms and hallways are tiled.
Each suite is comprised of 4 singles and 1 double. The doubles used to be single rooms that were converted in August 2012 by Residential Life and Housing to accomodate and unprecedented number of matriculating students.
There is a TV lounge, computer lab, and study lounge location on the 1st floor. Laundry is in the basement, along with the "Clay Collective."
Wheelchair access is on the street level through a locked door, left of main entrance (call the desk attendant for access). Both elevators stop on all floors including the basement.
Floor plans
Floor plans are available at
- Easy access to the northern Amsterdam Avenue restaurant row, including Max Caffe, Cafe Fresh, as well as (relatively) cheap Appletree Market and its DVD rental selection
- Easy access to Pupin and Schermerhorn buildings through the Amsterdam and 120th Street entrances; also proximity to the Teachers' College and School of Social Work libraries.
- Although campus is right across the intersection, it's a long walk to a gate that's open after 5pm. Getting special swipe access might be key.
<googlemap lat="40.809804" lon="-73.958652" type="map" zoom="16" width="500" height="300" controls="small"> 40.809804, -73.958652, Plimpton Residence Hall </googlemap>
Building address
1235 Amsterdam Avenue (at corner of 121st Street)
New York, NY 10027