List of articles to create
The following is a suggested list of articles to create. Please remove articles that have already been created (i.e., the link appears blue).
See also:
[hide]Unclassified items
- Columbia Journal of American Studies, CJAS
- Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, CJEL
- Columbia Journal of European Law, CJEL
- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, CJLSP
- Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, CJTL, JTL
- Journal of Asian Law, JAL
- Journal of Clinical Investigation, JCI
- Journal of International Affairs, JIA
- Journal of Literary Criticism, JLC (undergraduate)
- Journal of Transnational Law, JTL
Other publications
Student groups
Cultural clubs
- African Law Students Association, ALSA
- Armenian Club, Armenia
- Association of Indonesian Students, AIS
- Black Law Students Association, BLSA
- Cuban and American Students Association, CASA
- Haitian Students Association, HSA
- Korean Christian Students Association, KCSA
- Korean Graduate Students Association, KGSA
- Latino Law Students Association
- Organization of Latin American Students, OLAS
- Sikh Student Association, SSA, Columbia Sikh Student Association, CSSA
- Singapore Students Association, SSA
- Romanian Club, Romania
- Russian International Association, RIA
- Thai Students Association, TSA
- Turath, Arab Students' Organization
- Turkish Students Association, TSA
- Ukrainian Students Society, USS
- United Students of Color Council, USCC
- Vietnamese Student Association, VSA
Pre-professional clubs
- American Medical Students Association, AMSA
- American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME
- Association of Graduate Economics Students, AGES
- Asian American Society of Engineers, AASE
- Biological Society
- Biomedical Engineering Society, BES
- Brazilian Society, Brazil
- Charles Drew Premedical Society, CDPS, Charles Drew Pre-Med Society, CDPMS
- Columbia Association of Pre-Dental Students, CAPDS APDS
- Columbia Neuroscience Society, CNS, Neuroscience Society (undergraduate)
- Columbia Strategic Simulation Society, CSSS, SSS]
- Environmental Biology Society, EBS
- Environmental Law Society, ELS
- Graduate Student Organization, GSO at the College of Physicians and Surgeons
- International Relations Council and Association, IRCA
- Law School Women's Association, LSWA
- Math Club - same thing as the Undergraduate Mathematics Society?
- Photography Society
- Pre-Law Society, PLS, Pre-law
- SIPA Student Association
- School of Social Work Student Caucuses, SSWSC
- School of Social Work Student Union, SSWSU
- Society of Physics Students, SPS
- Undergraduate Mathematics Society, UMS
Religious clubs
- Adventist Christian Fellowship, ACF
- Apostolos Campus Ministry, ACM
- Baptist Campus Ministry, BCM
- Catholic Campus Ministry, CCM
- Chinese Christian Fellowship, CCF
- Columbia Atheists and Agnostics, CAA, Columbia Atheists, Columbia Agnostics
- Columbia Buddhist Meditation Group, CBMG, BMG
- Columbia Catholic Undergraduates, CCU, Catholic Undergraduates
- Columbia Lutherans, Lutherans
- Columbia Students for Christ, CSFC, CSC, SFC
- Interfaith Collective
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship, IVCF
- Latter Day Saints Student Association, LDSSA
- Orthodox Christian Fellowship, OCF
- Remnant Christian Fellowship, RCF
- University Bible Fellowship, UBF
SGB groups (not otherwise listed above)
- Ahimsa
- Baha'i Club, Baha'i
- Break the Silence
- Campus Media Watch, CMW
- Canterbury Club
- CatarACT
- Circle K
- Colleges Against Cancer, CAC
- Columbia Global Justice, CGJ
- Columbia Net Impact, CNI
- Columbia Right to Life, CRL
- Columbia Students for Animal Protection, CSAP, SAP
- Columbia Students for International Service CSIS, SIS
- CU Food Sustainability Project, CUFSP
- CU Global Brigades, CUGB
- CoreFoods
- Delta GDP
- Global Solutions
- Green Umbrella
- Hamilton Society
- Peer Health Exchange, PHE
- Pro-Israel Progressives, PIP
- Responsible Endowments Coalition, REC, REC-CU
- Rotaract Club, Rotaract
- Saving Mothers Research Team, SMRT
- Scientists and Engineers for a Better Society, SEBS
- Students for Choice, SFC
- Students for International Indigenous Rights, SIIR
- Liberty in North Korea, LiNK
- Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, UAEM
- University Council of the Cuban American National Foundation, UCCANF, UC-CANF
- US India Political Action Committee, USINPAC
- Veritas Forum, Veritas
- Youth for Debate
ABC groups (not otherwise listed above)
- Ballet Collaborative, Ballet
- Bellydancing Troupe, Bellydancing, Belly-dancing Troupe, Belly-dancing
- Birch
- Chowdah Sketch Comedy Group, CSCG
- Columbia Starcraft, Starcraft
- CU Couture, CUC
- CU Records, CUR
- Dance Dance Revolution Club, DDR
- Dhoom
- Film Production, Film Productions, CUFP
- Gadfly
- Gospel Choir
- Ho-heup
- Lion Dance
- Malama Hawaii
- Mock Trial, Mock Trial Team, MTT
- Musical Theater Society, MTS
- New Music, Columbia New Music, CNM
- Onyx Dance Troupe, ODT
- Proud Colors
- Raas
- Rhapsody in Blue
- Sounds of China
- Taal
- Thai Sabai
- Transfer Alliance
Other clubs (unknown governance)
- Golden Key International Honor Society at Columbia, Golden Key International Honor Society, Golden Key Society, Golden Key
- Poker, Poker Society, Poker Club CUPS
- Columbia University Amateur Radio Club, CUARC, Amateur Radio Club, ARC
- Judo, Judo Club
- Kickboxing, Kickboxing Club
- Masters Swim Club, MSC
- Model European Union Club, MEUC, Model European Union, MEU
- Museum Club
University components
- Anatomy, Cell biology, Anatomy and Cell Biology Department, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology Department, Department of Anesthesiology
- Biomedical informatics, Biomedical Informatics Department, Department of Biomedical Informatics
- Dermatology, Dermatology Department, Department of Dermatology
- Environmental health sciences, Environmental Health Sciences Department, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
- Epidemiology, Epidemiology Department, Department of Epidemiology
- Genetics, Genetics and Development Department, Department of Genetics and Development
- Health policy, Health Policy and Management Department, Department of Health Policy and Management
- Microbiology, Microbiology Department, Department of Microbiology
- Neurology, Neurology Department, Department of Neurology
- Neurosurgery, Neurosurgery Department, Department of Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics, Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology Department, Department of Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedic surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery Department, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopedic surgery, Orthopedic Surgery Department, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Department of Head and Neck Surgery
- Pathology, Pathology Department, Department of Pathology
- Pediatrics, Pediatrics Department, Department of Pediatrics
- Pharmacology, Pharmacology Department, Department of Pharmacology
- Physiology, Cellular biophysics, Physiology and Cellular Biophysics Department, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics
- Family health, Population and Family Health Department, Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health
- Psychiatry, Psychiatry Department, Department of Psychiatry
- Radiation oncology, Radiation Oncology Department, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Radiology, Radiology Department, Department of Radiology
- Rehabilitation medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Sociomedical sciences, Sociomedical Sciences Department, Department of Sociomedical Sciences
- Surgery, Surgery Department, Department of Surgery
- Urology, Urology Department, Department of Urology
Medical divisions
- Division of Cardiology, Cardiology
- Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Child psychiatry, Adolescent psychiatry
- Division of Circulatory Physiology, Circulatory physiology
- Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Clinical pharmacology, Experimental therapeutics
- Division of Decision, Risk and Operations
- Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases
- Division of Endocrinology, Endocrinology - not to be mistaken with the Division of Endoctrinology
- Division of General Medicine
- Division of Hematology, Hematology
- Division of Infectious Diseases, Infectious diseases
- Division of Molecular Medicine, Molecular medicine
- Division of Nephrology, Nephrology
- Division of Oncology, Oncology
- Division of Plastic Surgery, Plastic surgery
- Division of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, Preventive medicine, Nutrition
- Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine
- Division of Rheumatology, Rheumatology
- Division of Special Programs
- Division of Surgical Science, Surgical science
- Division of Vascular Surgery, Vascular surgery
Non-medical divisions
- Alfred I. DuPont Center for Broadcast Journalism, Center for Broadcast Journalism, CBJ
- Armenian Center
- Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Study Center, APECSC
- Audubon Business and Technology Center, ABTC
- Biomedical Engineering Imaging Research Center, BEIRC
- Center for Advanced Information Management, CAIM
- Center for Advanced Laboratory Medicine, CALM
- Center for Ancient Mediterranean, CAM
- Center for Applied Probability, CAP
- Center for Applied Public Health, CAPH
- Center for Archaeology
- Center for Archaeology
- Center for Bioethics
- Center for Biomedical Communications, CBC
- Center for Brazilian Studies, CBS
- Center for Children's Environmental Health, CCEH
- Center for Chinese Legal Studies, CCLS
- Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, CCBB
- Center for Computational Learning Systems, CCLS
- Center for Contemporary Black History, CCBH
- Center for Continuing Education in Health Sciences, CCEHS
- Center for Decision Sciences, CDS
- Center for Digital Research and Scholarship, CDRS
- Center for Electron Transport in Molecular Nanostructures, CETMN, NSEC?
- Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy, CEMTPP
- Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, CERC
- Center for Ethnomusicology
- Center for European Legal Studies, CELS
- Center for Excellence in Accounting and Security Analysis, CEASA
- Center for Excellence in Genomic Science, CEGS
- Center for Family Demography and Public Policy, CFDPP
- Center for Family Medicine, CFM
- Center for French and Francophone Studies, CFFS
- Center for Global Health and Economic Development, CGHED
- Center for Hazards and Risk Research, CHRR
- Center for Historical Social Science, CHSS
- Center for Holistic Urology, CHU
- Center for Homelessness Prevention Studies, CHPS
- Center for Immunology
- Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiologic Research, CIDER
- Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Antimicrobial Resistance, CIRAR
- Center for International Business Education and Research, CIBER
- Center for International Conflict Resolution, CICR
- Center for International Earth Science Information Network, CIESIN
- Center for International History, CIH
- Center for Intervention and Prevention Research on HIV and Drug Abuse, CIPRHDA
- Center for Iranian Studies, CIS
- Center for Japanese Legal Studies, CJLS
- Center for Korean Legal Studies, CKLS
- Center for Korean Research, CKR
- Center for Law and Economic Studies, CLES
- Center for Law and Philosophy, CLP
- Center for Liver Disease and Transplantation, CLDT
- Center for Menopause, Hormonal Disorders, and Women's Health, CMHDWH
- Center for Molecular Cardiology, CMC
- Center for Molecular Recognition, CMR
- Center for Molecular Therapeutics, CMT
- Center for National Health Development in Ethiopia, CNHDE
- Center for Neuroscience Initiatives, CNI
- Center for Nonlinear Earth Systems, CNES
- Center for Obesity Surgery, COS at New York-Presbyterian Hospital
- Center for Orthopaedic Research, COR
- Center for Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders, CPDOMD
- Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, CPTR
- Center for Public Interest Law, CPIL
- Center for Radiological Research, CRR
- Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, CRED
- Center for Research on Information Access, CRIA
- Center for Resilient Networks, CRN
- Center for Social Policy and Practice in the Workplace, CSPPW
- Center for Sustainable Urban Development, CSUP
- Center for Telecommunications Research, CTR
- Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, CAM
- Center for the Decision Sciences, CDS
- Center for the Study of Democracy, Toleration and Religion, CSDTR
- Center for the Study of Law and Culture, CSLC
- Center for the Study of Social Work Practice, CSSWP
- Center for the Study of Society and Medicine, CSSM
- Center for the Study of Wealth and Inequality, CWI / CSWI
- Center for U.S.-China Arts Exchange, CUSCAE
- Center for Urban Research and Policy, CURP
- Center for Violence Research and Prevention, CVRP
- Center for Women's Health, CWH
- Center for Women's Reproductive Care, CWRC
- Center on Capitalism and Society, CCS
- Center on Globalization and Sustainable Development, CGHED
- Center on Japanese Economy and Business, CJEB
- Center on Medicine as a Profession, CMAP
- Center on Organizational Innovation, COI
- Centers on Aging of New York-Presbyterian Hospital
- Cerebrovascular Center of the Neurological Institute, Cerebrovascular Center, CCNI
- Columbia Center for Economy, Environment and Society, CCEES, Center for Economy, Environment and Society, CEES
- Columbia Center for Integrated Science and Engineering, CCISE, Center for Integrated Science and Engineering, CISE
- Columbia Center for the Active Life of Minority Elders, CCALME, Center for the Active Life of Minority Elders, CALME
- Community College Research Center, CCRC
- Comprehensive Breast Center, CBC - the best center for breasts
- Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, CEC / CCEC
- Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, CSCC
- Computational Optimization Research Center, CORC
- Computing Support Center, CSC
- Cystic Fibrosis Referral Center for Susceptibility and Synergy Studies, CFRCSSS
- Deming Center for Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness, DCQPC, Center for Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness, CQPC
- Digital Media Center, DMC
- Earth Engineering Center, EEC
- East Central European Center, ECEC
- Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Center of MDA/ALS, Eleanor and Lou Gehrig MDA/ALS Research Center, MDA / ALS
- Emergency Medicine Center Of Excellence, EMCOE / EMCE at CUMC
- Eugene M. Lang Center for Entrepreneurship, Center for Entrepreneurship
- Fecal Incontinence Center, FIC
- Functional MRI Research Center, FMRIRC
- Genome Center
- George T. Delacorte Center for Magazine Journalism, Center for Magazine Journalism, CMJ
- Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center
- Harlem Health Promotion Center, HHPC
- Harlem Hospital Center Internal Medicine Residency Program, Harlem Hospital Center Residency Program in Internal Medicine, Harlem Hospital Center Internal Medicine Residency Program / Residency Program in Internal Medicine
- Hatch MR Research Center
- Herbert and Florence Irving Center for Clinical Research, Center for Clinical Research
- Herbert H. Lehman Center for American History, Center for American History
- Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Comprehensive Cancer Center
- HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies
- Huntington's Disease Center, HDC
- Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Studies in Novel Surfactants, IUCS
- International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs, ICAP / ICACTP
- International Center for Health Outcomes and Innovative Research, InCHOIR ICHOIR
- Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts, KCLMA, Center for Law, Media and the Arts, CLMA
- Klingenstein Center for Independent School Education, KCISE, Center for Independent School Education, CISE
- Langmuir Center for Colloids and Interfaces, LCCI, Center for Colloids and Interfaces, CCI
- LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies, Center for Print Studies, CPS
- Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Clinical Research Center in Vision, Clinical Research Center in Vision, CRCV
- Mailman Center for Public Health Preparedness, Center for Public Health Preparedness, CPHP
- Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, MSRC / MRSEC
- Minimal Access Surgery Center, MASC
- Motor Neuron Center, MNC
- Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center, NSEC
- Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Diabetes Center
- National Center for Children in Poverty, NCCP
- National Center for Disaster Preparedness, NCDP
- National Center for Postsecondary Research, NCPR
- National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, NCSPE
- National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, CASA / NCASA
- Networking Research Center, NRC, Columbia Networking Research Center, CNRC
- New York Center for Human Sexuality, NYCHS, Center for Human Sexuality, CHS
- NIEHS Center for Environmental Health, Center for Environmental Health, CEH
- Pancreas Center
- Paul F. Lazarsfeld Center for the Social Sciences, Center for the Social Sciences, CSS
- Pediatric Neurosurgery Center, PNC
- Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Center, PPHC
- Poliak Center for the Study of First Amendment Issues, PCSFAI, Center for the Study of First Amendment Issues, CSFAI
- Morton A. Kreitchman Positron Emission Tomography Center, PET, Positron Emission Tomography Center, PETC
- Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center, RCAVSC
- Renal Transplantation Center, RTC
- Research Center for Arts and Culture, RCAC
- Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CCAM
- Sanford C. Bernstein and Co Center for Leadership and Ethics, Sanford C. Bernstein and Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics, Center for Leadership and Ethics, CLE
- Schneeweiss Adult Congenital Heart Center, SACHC, Congenital Heart Center, CHC
- Skin Diseases Research Center, SDRC
- Social Indicators Survey Center, SISC
- Specialized Centers of Clinically Oriented Research, SCCOR
- Syncope Center
- Teaching Center at GSAS
- Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Center for the Study of American Architecture, CSAA
- The Children's Digestive Health Center, Children's Digestive Health Center, CDHC
- New York Thyroid Center, NYTC
- Vision and Graphics Center, VGC, Columbia Vision and Graphics Center, CVGC
- Visual Media Center, VMC
- Heart Failure Center, HFC in the Surgery Department - most depressingly-named center at Columbia
- Stone Center in the Urology Department
- Arthur J. Samberg Institute for Teaching Excellence, Samberg Institute for Teaching Excellence, SITE, Institute for Teaching Excellence, ITE
- Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, Harkness Eye Institute, HEI, Eye Institute
- Environmental Molecular Science Institute, EMSI
- Institute for Cancer Genetics, ICG
- Institute for Child and Family Policy, ICFP
- Institute for Global History, IGH
- Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies, IIJS
- Institute for Learning Technologies, ILT
- Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies, IMJS
- Institute for Not-for-Profit Management, INPM
- Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life, IRCPL
- Institute for Strings, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, ISCAP
- Institute for Tele-Information, CITI, ITI
- Institute for the Study of Europe, ISE
- Institute of Comparative Medicine, ICM
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, IEEE
- Institute of Human Nutrition, IHN
- Institute of Industrial Engineers, IIE
- Institute of Latin American Studies, ILAS
- Institute on Education and the Economy, IEE
- International Research Institute for Climate and Society, IRI, IRICS
- J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, HILO, Institute for Learning in Organizations, ILO
- Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business, Chazen Institute of International Business, CIIB, Institute of International Business, IIB
- New York-Presbyterian Transplant Institute, NYPTI
- Southern Asian Institute, SAI
- Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, TIRADAB, Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, IRADAB
- Transplant Institute
- Virtual Institute of Information, VII
- Applied Linguistics Program, ALP at Teachers College
- Auditing Program at the School of Continuing Education
- Biotechnology Program
- Charles H. Revson Fellows Program on the Future of the City of New York
- Columbia Program on International Investment, CPII, Program on International Investment, PII
- Columbia/UNESCO Joint Program on Biosphere and Society, Joint Program on Biosphere and Society, Program on Biosphere and Society
- Comparative Ethnic Studies Program, CESP
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Doctoral Program, CBBDP
- Coordinated Doctoral Programs in Biomedical Sciences, CDPBS
- Cross National Studies Research Program, CNSRP
- Earth and Environmental Science Journalism Program, EESJP
- East Asia Regional Studies Program, EARSP
- Engineering Management Systems Program, EMSP
- Environmental Science and Policy MPA Program
- Financial Engineering Program, FEP
- G.E.D./Reality House Program, Reality House Program
- Health and Society Scholars Program, HSSP
- Information Technology Programs, ITP at the School of Continuing Education
- Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biophysical Studies, IPCMBS
- International Development and Globalization Program, IDGP
- Japanese Language Program, JLP
- Japanese Literature Program, JLP
- Japanese Pedagogy Program, JPP
- Julius Silver Program in Law, Science and Technology, Program in Law, Science and Technology, PLST
- Korean Language Program, KLP
- Liberal Studies Program, LSP
- Lifelong Learners Program, LLP
- Mathematics of Finance Program, MFP
- Museum Anthropology Program, MAP
- Musher Program in Social Work Practice, MPSWP
- Music Performance Program, MPP
- Neurobiology and Behavior Program, NBP
- Occupational Therapy Programs, OTP
- Overseas Programs in China, OPC
- Program in Applied Mathematics, PAM
- Program in Economic Policy Management, PEPM
- Program in Hellenic Studies, PHS, Hellenic studies
- Program in International Energy Management and Policy, PIEMP
- Program in Physical Therapy, PPT
- Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences Program, QMSSP
- Reid Hall Programs at Reid Hall
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health and Society Scholars Program, Health and Society Scholars Program, HSSP
- Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe Regional Studies Program, REEERSP
- Science Honors Program, SHP
- Science, Technology, and Global Development Program, STGDP
- Second-Majors Program, SMP
- Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Program, SVPRP
- Julius Silver Program in Law, Science and Technology, Program in Law, Science and Technology
- Swedish Program
- TeenScreen Program
- Tropical Agriculture Program, TAP
- Urban Planning Program, UPP